Canada Tourist – Visitor Visa

Obtaining a tourist visa for Canada, also known as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), offers several benefits for individuals wishing to visit the country for leisure or tourism purposes. Here are some of the key benefits of a Canada tourist visa:

  1. Entry into Canada: A Canada tourist visa allows you to legally enter the country for tourism, visit friends or family, or participate in short-term recreational activities.

  2. Length of Stay: Tourist visas typically allow visitors to stay in Canada for up to six months per entry. This provides ample time to explore the country’s attractions, visit family and friends, or engage in recreational activities.

  3. Multiple Entries: Tourist visas may allow for multiple entries during their validity period, usually up to 10 years. This flexibility enables visitors to travel in and out of Canada as needed without the hassle of reapplying for a visa each time.

  4. Exploration of Canadian Attractions: Canada boasts a diverse range of attractions, including natural wonders, vibrant cities, cultural landmarks, and outdoor recreational activities. With a tourist visa, you can explore iconic sites such as Niagara Falls, Banff National Park, the Rocky Mountains, and historic cities like Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver.

  5. Visiting Family and Friends: Many individuals apply for tourist visas to visit family members or friends who are living in Canada. This visa allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones and participate in family events or celebrations.

  6. Business and Conference Attendance: While a tourist visa is primarily for leisure purposes, it may also allow for participation in certain business activities, such as attending conferences, meetings, or training sessions.

  7. Cultural Exchange: Visiting Canada as a tourist provides opportunities for cultural exchange, allowing you to immerse yourself in Canadian customs, traditions, and way of life. You can also interact with locals and learn about their diverse backgrounds and experiences.

  8. Preparation for Other Visa Applications: For individuals considering other immigration or study options in Canada, visiting the country on a tourist visa offers the opportunity to explore potential destinations, educational institutions, or job markets before making long-term commitments.


Overall, a Canada tourist visa provides the gateway to experiencing the country’s diverse landscapes, culture, and hospitality, making it an attractive option for travellers seeking memorable experiences in the Great White North.


Documents Checklist Required for Canada Tourist Visa / Visitor Visa.

The Canada Visitor Visa process requires you to meet the following criteria:

  1. A valid passport with an expiry date that is after six months or more.
  2. Documents that prove you have enough ties to your home country.
  3. Financial statements that prove you have enough funds to support your stay in Canada.
  4. A letter of invitation from your relatives if you are planning to stay with them.
  5. Medical clearance certificate if you need to undergo a medical exam before your trip

Eligibility Criteria of Canada Tourist Visa.

The Canada Visitor Visa process requires you to meet the following criteria:

  1. Applicants must prove that they possess sufficient funds to support themselves and their family for the entire period of their visit.
  2. Applicants must not intend to seek or undertake a job
  3. Applicants should have no criminal record and intend to strictly comply with the laws of the country.
  4. Applicants who might stay either with their relatives or friends should also provide invitation letters from their sponsor.
  5. You may need to meet certain more entry requirements based on your profile

How Best Immigration Help You to Get a Canada Visa?

With our extensive experience in Visitor Visa, Best Immigration Consultant can help you make the strongest case for your visitor visa. Our team will help you with:

  1. Identifying the best strategy to get your visa.
  2. Advise you on how to present your case.
  3. Advising you on finances to be shown.
  4. Advising you on documents to be presented.
  5. helping you to Fill in forms
  6. Review of all your documentation

Make sure your application has the highest chance of success by talking to our visa specialists.


The Super Visa for Canada is a special program for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Here are some of the key benefits of the Super Visa:

  1. Longer Stay: Super Visa holders can stay in Canada for up to two years per visit without the need to renew their status.

  2. Multiple Entries: Super Visa holders are granted multiple-entry privileges, allowing them to travel in and out of Canada during the validity of their visa.

  3. Family Reunification: It enables parents and grandparents to reunite with their children and grandchildren who are living in Canada on a more long-term basis compared to regular visitor visas.

  4. Eligibility for Extension: Super Visa holders can apply for an extension of their stay in Canada if they wish to prolong their visit beyond the initial two-year period.

  5. No Need for Renewal Every 6 Months: Unlike regular visitor visas, which typically require renewal every six months, Super Visa holders can stay in Canada for a longer duration without having to renew their status as frequently.

  6. Opportunity for Healthcare Coverage: Super Visa applicants are required to have private medical insurance coverage from a Canadian insurance provider for a minimum of one year. This ensures that they have access to healthcare services during their stay in Canada.

  7. Pathway to Permanent Residence: While the Super Visa itself does not directly lead to permanent residence, it can provide an opportunity for parents and grandparents to spend more time in Canada, potentially allowing them to explore other pathways to permanent residency, such as sponsorship by their Canadian children or grandchildren.

Overall, the Super Visa program offers an attractive option for eligible parents and grandparents who wish to spend an extended period with their family members in Canada.


How Best Immigration Help You to Get a Canada Super Visa?

With our extensive experience in Visitor Visa, Best Immigration Consultant can help you make the strongest case for your Super visa. Our team will help you with:

  1. Identifying the best strategy to get your visa.
  2. Advise you on how to present your case.
  3. Advising you on finances to be shown.
  4. Advising you on documents to be presented.
  5. helping you to Fill in forms
  6. Review of all your documentation

Make sure your application has the highest chance of success by talking to our visa specialists.